Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dearest Panama Angel

Being a Mother is the most wondrous creative process on the planet. Great creative artists whether it be musician, painter or scientist are admired and respected by society. I want you to remember none of them would exist without the creative genius of their Mothers! And yet misguided independence rather than the spiritual perspective of interdependence has somehow made it OK to turn the word and concept of Mother into a dirty word....As in "You Moth....". I can't think of a television mother that is portrayed as balanced, smart, a certain point we need to see that TV, magazines ads, even our conversations that are negative as opposed to appreciative of our own mothers have taken a huge toll on our lives as women and other words this is bigger than you! There are so many mothers living with this pain. My heart goes out to you and I pray these insights bring you some peace.

Tips For Handling this Energy Storm!

You know that everything is energy. An angry word is a block of energy. When anyone is unloading negative energy on you it's not about you. People who have not learned how to deal with energy consciously, walk around picking up little bits of negativity until they have to discharge it or internalize it. Get rid of it or get sick. Here's a scenario ...Joe can't find his wallet,
(the story) Mary ! You must have moved my wallet, you always blah, blah, blah! Add on to that the rest of the stories that happen through the day and this irresponsible energy handler comes home and he has to unload this energy to continue to exist...And much like a real lightening storm, looks for the easiest least resistant most willing (unconsciously) vessel to discharge too.
You being empathic and loving (this is where mothers get into trouble) say unconsciously let me take on that energy load for you.
The problem is they never learn how to be accountable for their own energy. Which means that the next time they have energy that has to be discharged (for survival) the story may change but if you are the line of least resistance a willing vessel to take on that energy it is looking for you! This means as a mother that long hoped for relationship can't get better because you are the willing toxic dumping site!
When my daughter was young I would tell her that every room she entered and every person she talked to was changed by her presence. We all either add to and enhance a room, a person or a community or we have negative impact. Who do you want to be? Who do our children want to be? At least make a conscious decision about how you affect your world and the people you love. When my daughter was younger I would send her outside to walk around our very long very steep usually took a couple of trips before she could laugh at herself. The walking actually expended energy and shifted her to the present moment. Later I expected(that expectation doomed me to failure )that she would be more responsible, more appreciative, blah, blah...but no....because I was still the line of least resistance for her discharge of negative energy....I was easy, easy easy! Finally the day came when I got it.(not her, imagine that)..subconsciously the body is always trying to survive...I just became emotionally and physically unwilling to take on her negative energy(you see how illness serves you ?)....The story then sounded something like...Dear if you want to have lunch that would be lovely. If you want to gossip and argue you need to call your friend Dana she will have a great time with you and you can get it out of your system...then we can paint or whatever fun thing you want to do. My daughter laughed and laughed and it became the moment I learned to deflect her energy. Now I can listen and not be a's meaningless energy. Whatever the story it is just a lightening bolt looking to discharge. I observe it for what it is and know who I am ....and who I am not. Remember you are a creative genius (Mother) you can observe the story without believing it. The simplest most effective way I have ever come across is to observe my breathing ..Am I breathing? If you are with your own breath you will have a very difficult time taking in there story. I use this all day just to tune up my awareness and especially if I sense myself starting get caught up in any emotional storm.
My great teacher said to me many, many can't do anything for love. People are loving because that is who they choose to be or not. Isn't that completely evident with our children? Who else could you ever give so much to? They have to choose who they are going to be. And while they are figuring that out you have to choose who you are going to be. Not as a reaction to any story but in the moment with each new breath feel and be aware of the divine creative force that thrives in you!

Create a happy will lead to a happy life...Much love, Rebecca

Friday, May 2, 2008

Do You Need A Psychic Reading?

This is my first Blog, thanks to Taylor Vance of the Reiki Ranch. I must also give credit to Dorthy Schlosser an exceptional human being that I will carry gratitude and love for to the ends of time. They have both made me a richer and more meaningful person.

I once asked Dorthy why Taylor was such a good healer. I asked because Dorothy was so psychic and she considered me psychic...and we both understood healing energy so what was the difference.....she said "Taylor spends 24 hours a day trying to figure out how healing energy worked while we both spent our 24 hours learning to translate the pictures and messages we made sense. Viva Le Difference! (My lame attempt at French)

So ask me your Question and I will give you my best psychic answer...